PUCCINI Misa di Gloria

Dear friends

We start the activities of the Classical Festival 2024. We commemorate the 100th anniversary of the birth

by G. Puccini. We will perform his Messa di Gloria, a work of his youth, with the Davidic Chapel of Menorca. Antoni Lliteres, tenor and Lluis Sintes, baritone, will perform as soloists.

The program will be completed by the well-known Symphony No. 9 by A. Dvorák Symphony of the New World in the chamber version by I. Farrington.

Church Santa Teresita del Niño Jesus. Son Armadans. Palma

March 16, 2024. 8:30 p.m.

Tickets: €20

Advance payment: €15

Students under 18 and retirees: €10

Advance ticket sales:


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