The romantic era

The Mallorca Classical Festival 2024 continues on its way and the next concert will be on the 20th of August at Bellver Castle and is dedicated to two early Romantic composers: Fèlix Mendelssohn and Robert Schumann who were also good friends.

First we will perform the concerto for cello and orchestra in A minor Op 129 by R. Schumann written in 1850, already in the composer’s maturity. It is a work of great lyricism and virtuosity played by the French cellist Florent Audibert.

It will complete the concert Symphony nº 4 Italian Op. 90 in A by Felix Mendelssohn performed by the Acadèmia 1830 orchestra. A work in which the composer wants to convey the impressions and atmosphere of the Latin country he traveled to in 1930. For a long time it has been considered the best of the German composer’s symphonies.

After winning two first prizes at the Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique in Paris, in cello and chamber music (classes with Jean-Marie Gamard and Jean Mouillère), Florent Audibert continued his advanced studies at the Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique in Lyon, in the class of Ivan Chiffoleau and in baroque technique with Christophe Coin and Anner Bylsma.

As part of his training, he took part in several master classes with Janos Starker, Arto Noras and Steven Isserlis, among others.

Since 2000 he has been appointed principal cello of the Orchestre de l’Opéra de Rouen-Normandie.

He was a semi-finalist in the Rostropovich competition in 2001 and the Bach competition in Leipzig in 2003. Hired by Lorin Maazel, Florent Audibert participated in the 2006-2007 opera season with the Orquesta de la Comunitat Valenciana (Spain), with first guest conductor Zubin Mehta.

His solo career includes a repertoire ranging from Vivaldi and Carl Philipe Emmanuel Bach (on baroque cello) to Ligeti and Gulda, including Haydn, Beethoven, Dvorak, Lalo, Tchaikovsky, Brahms, Saint-Saëns, accompanied by orchestras such as the Nice Philharmonic, Rouen Opera, Orchestre de Cannes-PACA, Malaysian Philharmonic Orchestra, Camerata de Kuala Lumpur…

Passionate about chamber music, he has performed with artists such as Marielle Nordman, Ivry Gitlis, Alain Planès, Bruno Pasquier, Jean Mouillère, Frédéric Aguessy, Michel Lethiec, Jean-Jacques Kantorow, Raphaël Oleg, Kenneth Weiss, Gary Hoffman…, guest of festivals such as Prades, the Orangerie de Sceaux, the Théâtre des Champs-Elysées, the Festival des Arcs, the Callian cello meetings, the Besançon festival, the Beauvais cello meetings, among other events.

He has been a member of the Calliopée Ensemble since 2008.

His discography includes around fifteen recordings, in cello duo with his brother Frédéric, with the pianist Rémy Cardinale on historical instruments (integral Fauré, Brahms), with the Calliopée ensemble (Martinu, Vierne, Durosoir…)

Many of them have received critical acclaim : Choc de la Musique, 5 diapasons, ffff Télérama, Coup de coeur, Piano Magazine, etc.

Teaching is an important part of his life as a musician. He is now a professor at the Rouen Conservatory (Normandy). He has participated in numerous academies (les Arcs, Nice, Neuvic, Saint Cézaire, etc.) and for several years has been giving master classes in Malaysia (Johor Bahru and Kuala Lumpur), Colombia (Buga) and Spain (Conservatory of Palma).

He is regularly invited to serve as a jury member for the competitions of the Conservatoires Nationals Supérieurs de Musique in Lyon and Paris.

Florent regularly participates in contemporary music projects, which has allowed him to meet and work with composers such as Maurice Ohana, Henri Dutilleux, Philippe Manoury, Bruno Mantovani, Edith Canat de Chizy, Betsy Jolas…

Other composers have entrusted him with the creation of pieces, such as Philippe Hersant and Benoît Menut. Florentine Mulsant, Eric Tanguy and Graziane Finzi have composed sonatas for two cellos, dedicated to the duo he forms with his brother Frédéric and created in 2021.

Florent Audibert plays an anonymous Italian cello from 1595



Bellver Castle Palma

August 29, 2024 at 9 p.m

Tickets: €15

Discounts for retirees and students

Online ticket sales:

in Palma culture:

General ticket sales: at the Castle Box Office (1 hour before start)

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