Spring concerts 2019

Dear friends,

We present the Spring Festival for this 2019. It will consist of four different productions, two for choir and orchestra, two for chamber. and a Choral Music Workshop.

It begins with one of the great works of J. HAYDN: The Creation. It was a shocking work to its premiere and continues to thrill the public today. And closes with one of the best-known works of the still alive British composer, John RUTTER: His Requiem.
For these productions as well as the festival’s formations (choir and orchestra Academy 1830) we will invite you to the choir Hodeiertz of Tolosa, and to Ensemble2poches vocalist of Bordeaux. Taking advantage of the coming of the heart of Toulouse, its director, Enrique Azurza, will give a choral music workshop from the 20th and 21st centuries, a repertoire of which he is a great specialist.

In addition, the festival includes two chamber music programs, this time around R. Schumann. Works by composers or who lived and marked the work of the German composer. Works by Fr. SCHUBERT, J. BRAHMS, F. MENDELSSOHN and his wife CLARA SCHUMANN

All the concerts begin with an introduction where the program and the style of the composers with live examples are explained.

We hope that our proposal will be of interest to you. For more information:

yours faithfully
Fernando Marina

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