Dear friends,
The Asociación Academia 1830 organizes workshop with the Basque conductor Enrique Azurza. Work will be done by current composers such as E. Esenvals, E. Whitacre, P. Alarcon, J. Busto and others.
The work will be carried out with the Academia 1830 heart that will act as pilot heart and with singers and individual participants.
The price of the workshop is € 15 without food (sheet music included). There is the option of food included (€ 10)
You have to make a transfer to the IBAN account number ES77 2056 0004 4610 0173 6410 and bring the receipt the day of the workshop.
Place: Llar Ancians. From 11am to 1pm and from 3pm to 5pm.
Link for registration