Dear friends,

The next program of the Classical Festival will take place on March 27 in the church of Monti-Sion in Palma. The program will be: The last seven words of Christ on the Cross of Fr. J. Haydn, in the string quartet version

The work are seven meditations on the last words of Jesus Christ on the cross. Commissioned by the Congregation of the Holy Cave in Cádiz (Spain) in 1785 to be performed on Good Friday. It was premiered the following year in the Cathedral of Cádiz in the orchestral version. Later, J. Haydn himself performed a version for choir and orchestra, and another for string quartet, which we will hear in this program.

Haydn wrote an intimate music that invites reflection and recollection of the religious celebrations of Holy Week.

Saturday March 27th. 7.30 pm

Church of Monti-Sion (22 Monti-Sion street) Palma

General admission: 15 € Advance (online): 12 € Student under 18 years: 7 €


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